A New CODEMAY Product

We have been very busy over here at CODEMAY. I wanted to take a moment and share one of the many things we’ve been working on. As someone who has run thousands of digital marketing campaigns, one of the biggest issues I run into is converting clicks into actual leads. Anyone who’s run Google or Facebook Advertising campaigns knows that …

5 Reasons Why Your Digital Strategies Might Be Failing

A quote often attributed to Albert Einstein goes like this: “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” I’ve worked with a lot of companies over the last few years, and I’ve had a lot of time to look into the differences between successful strategies, and ones that could use some improvement. Often when I …

5 Reasons Why Your Company Needs a Digital Advertising Strategy

As long as there have been things to sell, there’s been marketing. The marketing channels are always changing; 150 years ago you’d find a traveling wagon with a sign peddling the newest way to lose weight, or a delicious drink to help you when you’re tired (we never said the products being marketed ever change).  Traditional marketing channels like newspapers, …